Thoughts on CopyBloger's Decision to Remove Comments

This just in: CopyBlogger is removing comments. For real. (When we saw the blog post, we thought it was a joke/ploy to get the article read. Nope. They're actually removing comments.
You can read the whole thing here.

A couple thoughts on this:

First, as Sonia Simone points out, this might be the best thing that ever happened to a lot of bloggers. There have been a lot of great comments on Copyblogger. But sometimes these are so long and so frequent that it begins to look like a blog-by-comment strategy.

If you're a blogger this should be pretty exciting. Now instead of Sonia (or +Brian Clark) reading your comment at the end of their article, they'll read it on your website, beside all your other amazing content. That's just too fun.

Second, anyone who thinks Copyblogger has been resting on their laurels should now reconsider. Even if you don't agree with the decision to remove comments it iscutting-edge.

Hats off to Copyblogger and Sonia for trying something new. We look forward to seeing how this experiment works out.

Perhaps, yet again, they are years ahead of the game.

—Team Twine

P.S. We hate spammers, too. (This post originally posted on Google+.)

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